How To Find Efficient Tickers

  1. Toggle on 50-best tickers with Efficient or Swing Portfolio > 0. Sort by Size, by Efficiency or by Swing, then by Group to compare in the same type.sector.industry. Pick 1-3 best tickers from each group to diversify.

  2. Sort by Efficiency to minimize Risk & maximize Return. Or sort by Efficient Frontier to float up tickers above or on the efficient frontier line. Or sort by Rating-Z or Undervalue-Z to float up best from analysts, for now or next year. Or sort by Swing, to seek out tickers with decreasing Risk and increasing Return, so they will continue to drop less and gain more, moving towards the next efficient frontier.

  3. Watch out for:

    • Too red Risk, can drop 2*Drop/Day, 5 times per year.

    • Too red Correction, will bounce less and dive more at the next market crash.

    • Too green, Z-score >> 1, too good to be repeated next year?