Can we predict ahead the most efficient tickers using the same data? Yes, we can predict risk, return, efficiency at 0Y, then at +0.5Y, instead of measuring at past -1Y or -0.5Y.
You can inspect the 4 efficient frontier curves at right, for a time shift of 0.5Y between the 4 curves. Smaller time shift means less accurate, little to no prediction.
Larger oscillation amplitude means a scaling bias from curve extrapolation with derivatives when future data is missing.
You clearly see the limit of predicting farther into the future. Between 0Y and +0.5Y, there is less time shift or less prediction power, especially at 2008-2009. The larger slope of the efficient frontier means we are predicting return that is larger, or risk that is smaller, or both, so the efficiency is too good to be true, a very dangerous systematic error.
We expect Machine Learning to predict more accurately the future return and risk from price and volume series, better than simple sine wave extrapolation.